The information contained in this Site is for general guidance on matters of interest only. The application and impact of laws can vary widely based on the specific facts involved. Given the changing nature of laws, rules and regulations, and the inherent hazards of electronic communication, there will probably be delays, omissions, inaccuracies and wrong information contained in this Site. For any questions please reference UCITA § 102(a)(11).
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Drunken Man Bites Panda
Zhang Xinyan, from the central province of Henan, drank four jugs of beer at a restaurant near the zoo before visiting Gu Gu the panda on Tuesday, the Beijing Morning Post said.
"He felt a sudden urge to touch the panda with his hand," and jumped into the enclosure, the newspaper said.
The panda, who was asleep, was startled and bit Zhang, 35, on the right leg, it said. Zhang got angry and kicked the panda, who then bit his other leg. A tussle ensued, the paper said.
"I bit the fellow in the back," Zhang was quoted as saying in the newspaper. "Its skin was quite thick."
Other tourists yelled for a zookeeper, who got the panda under control by spraying it with water, reports said. Zhang was hospitalized.
Newspaper photographs showed Zhang lying on a hospital bed with blood-soaked bandages and a seam of stitches running down his leg.
The Beijing Youth Daily quoted Zhang as saying that he had seen pandas on television and "they seemed to get along well with people."
"No one ever said they would bite people," Zhang said. "I just wanted to touch it. I was so dizzy from the beer. I don't remember much."
Ye Mingxia, a spokeswoman for the Beijing Zoo, confirmed the incident happened but would not give any details. She said Gu Gu was "healthy."
"We're not considering punishing him now," Ye said in a telephone interview. "He's suffered quite a bit of shock."
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Best Flavor Flav Quote

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Unibrow of the Month

More like crazy, maniacal unibrow of the month. I think this guy missed the memo that joining a wizard/sorcerer cult is not cool anymore.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Picture Me Rollin'

Start your summer in style with this ultra-hip sandal from Reef. It’s like Beach Bum meets Pimp meets Burberry meets Slacker meets Thug, what more could you ask for out of a simple flip-flop. Get yours today, son.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Another, converse method is via your assessment of Independence Day.
If I was a Hollywood producer, and you were pitching me a movie, you could say "Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith smoke cigars together near the end." At that point, I wouldn't care if it was a docu-drama or a comedy or a horror film, I'd already be interested. If you told me that after they smoked the cigars, they launched a nuke right into the heart of the alien mother ship, I'd be totally stoked. If you then told me that all of this happened immediately after a scene where Randy Quaid, playing the same character he plays in the Vacation movies, drove a kamikaze fighter jet right into the main weapons systems of one of the alien battleships, I'd be on the phone to the Academy. The only thing left for me to add would be, "Make sure either Bill Paxton or Bill Pullman is in it." Making one of them play the President of the U.S. would just be unexpected icing on the cake.
Every time I mention ID4, someone wants to talk about how unrealistic the "virus" thing was. Whatever. If you can't suspend a little disbelief in the realm of computer science, you have no business commenting on modern cinema. ID4 is a wholly underrated marvel of filmmaking. In true Return of the Jedi fashion, they staged simulatneous multiple final battles on multiple scales, a feat that is remarkably difficult for a screenwriter to pull off. If you aren't on the edge of your seat in true, old-school, big-budget, action-flick apprectiation by the end of that movie, you just aren't a movie buff.
I first saw ID4 at midnight on July 4th, 1996. I thought it was one of the greatest movies ever. Yeah, it's got some cheesey-as-hell stuff in it, but even to this day I think it is a great movie.
Fiery Habanero
Anyway, I recently bought a bag of their latest: Fiery Habanero. They purposefully left off the tilde ('~') in habanero, which is a bad omen from the start, but I bought a bag nevertheless.
Fiery Habanero is for-real spicy, not fake-nasty-spicy like Ranchero, so at least they got that going for them. But in the end, I threw away half of the bag and went and bought some Black Pepper Jack. The Habanero just weren't all that good. I feel pretty bad, considering that Doritos are ridiculously expensive.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Tom is an enigma and not as easy of a celebrity target as say George Clooney or Ben Affleck, they are both no-talent ass clowns and need to be sent to China or Cuba. Tom is on a different level. But even so I think three days to get someone off heroin is a stretch.
This article helps explain why even with drastic, radical treatment heroin is still a tough addiction to break.,,1561403,00.html
Maybe in Tom’s next movie he can star as a drug rehab counselor who cures people of heroin addiction in three days and then goes on to wins critical accolades for his performance and finally gets an Oscar.
Or maybe not, those types of movies don’t have explosions.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Funny Nintendo Videos
Nintendo 64 Screaming Kid
Gay Mario Commercial
Very Gay Power Glove Commercial
Monday, March 27, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Interesting Groder Definition
12/4/2003: Groders from
Groders piss me off to no end. What exactly is a groder you ask? The term groder is the combination of the two words 'gross' and 'odor' to form 'groder.' I constantly have to deal with these idiots on the roads, in the workplace, and at my places of leisure. What exactly is a groder in layman's terms? Well there are several warning signs under several categories of personal preference that you may be a groder.
Your Car: This isn't just what kind of car you drive but also the manner in which you drive. Do you drive a Buttstang (buttstang: Webster defines buttstang as a Ford Mustang produced after 1980.)? Do you think your buttstang is hot shit, even though it's not? Chances are, you're a groder. Do you street race often? Think it's cool? Ever consider the consequences?... didn't think so. Do you like to go 20 mph over the speed limit at all times? Do you believe in the saying, "If you can't find 'em, grind 'em?" Yeah, if you said yes to any of these questions, then more likely than not, YOU are a groder and a jackass.
Your Clothing: Wear clothing that barely stays on your body? Have a chain on your wallet? Are you 'all about' some Fubu, Tommy Hilfiger, etc? If your answer to any of this was a yes, then you, my friend, are a groder and an idiot. Try looking up a company that makes respectable clothes, like Harbor Bay or Allexander Lloyd, or hell even Puritan.
Music: Do you listen to Marylin Manson (I assume this is how this idiot spells his name), Kid Rock, any rap 'artist' (I use the term loosely here), other than to make fun of their shitty music, ICP, punk, NoFX (yeah they're their own category of shit far worse than other punk)? Think they're cool?
Want to dress, act, smell just like them? Guess what, pal? Not only do you suck insane amounts of ass, but you're also a groder. If you think you fit into the category of 'groder' then you probably do. Even if you don't think you're a groder there's 68% chance that in all actuality you are indeed a groder. Do us all a favor and kill yourself. The world would be a much cleaner, happier place if all groders would just commit suicide, or at least for me anyway.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Man severs own penis, throws it at officers
BY ERIC HERMAN Staff Reporter
Before cops threw the book at him, Jakub Fik threw something unusual at them -- his penis.
Fik, 33, cut off his own penis during a Northwest Side rampage Wednesday morning. When confronted by police, Fik hurled several knives and his severed organ at the officers, police said. Officers stunned him with a Taser and took him into custody.
"We took him out without any serious injury, with the exception of his own," said Chicago Police Sgt. Edward Dolan of the 16th District.
Doctors at Northwestern Memorial Hospital reattached Fik's penis Wednesday, sources said. He was listed in good condition Thursday, according to hospital spokesman Andrew Buchanan, who declined to comment further.
Monday, March 13, 2006
It is Not a Biometric ID
Everyone has a signature bar on the back of their credit card. You're supposed to sign it as soon as you receive the card, to authorize it for use as payment.

Many retailers have begun using this signature as a way of checking that you are the owner of the card. They compare the signature on the card to the the receipt you just signed (or pretend to) in order to verify that you are both the card signer and the receipt signer.
In this age of identity theft, some consumers don't feel that is enough. They feel picture ID is necessary, not just a signature comparison. So instead of signing their card, they write "CHECK ID" on the signature bar. The idea is that your driver's license has both your signature and your picture on it, which is even better.
But a lot of retailers don't accept this. Every day someone wants to tell me another story about the "stupid" checkout clerk at Wherever's Department Store that wouldn't accept their card because it wasn't signed. They beam from their high horse about their superior intelligence, and how the world is going to hell because stupid clerks aren't reasonable enough to understand the increased security of a picture ID and to look there for the signature.
Well, here's the deal: If your card isn't signed, it isn't authorized to be used as payment. That's why it says "authorized signature." An unsigned card is an unauthorized card. The primary intent of signing a card is not to put a biometric identifier on it (though it is that as well), the intent of signing a card is to legally state that, "yes, I authorize and accept responsibility for this card, along with a simlarly signed reciept, to pay for things against my good name." So if I were a stupid retail clerk, I wouldn't accept your unsigned card, either. Get over yourself.
Sorry for the whiny rant.
Friday, March 03, 2006
World of Offline Gaming
Monday, February 13, 2006
Our Ol' Buddy Mullet Man
Mullet Man: Space Traveler
Mullet Watch
Break Your Self
Mohawk Man
This one doesn't even make sense
Ok, this one is only funny if you watch the whole thing and wait for Link to play his song.
Safety Not Guaranteed!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Fresh from the blogosphere

UPDATE: The photo has been removed from the Web version! I grabbed a copy of the actual magazine on my way to San Jose.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
Life Imitates Art

Thank you to the nice people at for this recreation of a typical game of Punch-Out! Click the image to watch.
Chapelle actually IS a lunatic
You can click the image to watch part of the interview.
When he finally started talking about why he fled to Africa without even telling his wife and kids, he gave these as his reasons:
1) He was filming a skit, and one of the staff (like a mic operator or something) laughed at one of the jokes. But Dave could tell that this guy was laughing at him, not with him, and that there was something evil and racist about it. I put this as number one, because Dave himself listed this as his number-one reason he needed to flee to Africa.
2) Everyone, including his co-writer that he's worked with since he was a teenager, was trying to convince Dave that he was crazy. This was done as a plot to get him to take pills so that they could control him and take his money. As evidence of this, he came into work one day and found that there was just a wall where his office used to be, but everyone was trying to convince him (as part of the above plot) that the walls and his office and everything were all where they were supposed to be. I wish I was making this up.
3) When one of the skits they wrote involved Dave wearing a dress, he decided at the last minute he wouldn't do it. The writers and producers all tried to talk him into going through with it, which confused and angered him. After some research, Dave realized that all comedians were put into dresses at one point or another by their producers, and that this was done intentionally to prove to the public that the comedians were really just prostitutes being pimped out. In fact, Dave realized that the whole point of this particular skit was to prove to everyone that Dave Chapelle was just someone's prostitute.
4) And so on...
Oprah tried to steer the conversation towards sanity, making it a discussion about responsible social commentary in comedy sketches, and why she won't do certain kinds of shows anymore. Dave contributed to this by saying that he would finish the current season only if the DVD sales profits could go to all his fans, the Katrina victims, his old high school..., at which point Oprah cut him off and told him that he can't just start promising millions of dollars to people on national TV. Dave responded with, "well, I didn't say I'd actually give them the money."
He was extremely laid back during the whole interview and slurred his speech, much more so that the usual laid-back nature of his character. His eyes were also very glazed. I'm pretty sure he's on heavy meds.
I imagine that my interpretation of the interview was a very critical one, others may think he is entirely reasonable and just had a hard time dealing with sudden wealth and a lot of money-grabbers. But if everyone around you is telling you that you aren't well mentally, and you determine it's a conspiracy to take your money, then you probably need to listen to them a little more.
Friday, February 03, 2006
SNL actually CAN be funny without Will Ferrell
These guys do an excellent job of exemplifying and satirizing a certain segment of American youth. Acting tough while rapping about Web sites, cupcakes, $10 bills, movie trivia, and fantasy/sci-fi... genius.
This clip is known as "Chonic of Narnia," "Chronic(what)cles of Narnia," and various other names, though I think the actual title is "Lazy Sunday."
Hollywood Narcissism (what else is new)
SPIELBERG: Audiences are very smart. We never give them enough credit for being able to have a kind of radar that makes them, without a single ad in the newspaper, suddenly say, "I'm interested in seeing 'The Squid and the Whale'." There's just something in the air.
CLOONEY: But on the other hand, I'll wager that every one of our films, when you first tested it with an audience, tested much lower than after it was reviewed. Sometimes people need reviews to explain what a film is, to put it into some sort of perspective.
Thanks go out to Spielberg for recognizing that audiences are very smart. But on the other hand audiences are very stupid and need well-trained film critics to explain films to them, especially films with Clooney's high caliber subject matter. What he should have said was "The type of films we make are too complex and dynamic for the average viewer to understand, they need to have the plot and story explained to them so they don't look stupid."
Spielberg is an artist with vision and refined technical skills. Even if he does let some duds slip by, Minority Report, War of the Worlds, he is still talented and has a deep respect for his craft. Clooney, on the other hand, is a hack and has a certain slime-value that is highly coveted in Hollywood today. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you, this guy is either really pompous or totally clueless, probably both.
Although I guess I should thank Clooney for reaffirming what I already thought about him.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Are You a Groder or Wigger?
Your favorite type of rap is about:
(a) Positive messages
(b) The gangsta life
(c) Drugs and alcohol
(d) Adidas and gold chains
NASCAR is awesome because:
(a) The cars go fast
(b) The culture promotes drunken behavior
(c) Methamphetamines
(d) NASCAR is not awesome
You would rather wear:
(a) Reebok
(b) K-Swiss
(c) Nike
(d) G-Unit
(e) BK
(f) Keds
You went to see Hustle & Flow:
(a) The day it came out
(b) At the sneak preview
(c) You are waiting for the Special Edition DVD
Your pimp hand is:
(a) Strong to very strong
(b) Moderately strong
(c) Average
(d) Weak
(e) What’s a pimp hand?
If you could choose a nickname it would be:
(a) Deluxe 187
(b) Flawless
(c) Chief
(d) The Bishop “Insert Your Name” Magic Juan
(e) Rabid Rob
(f) Flex
2 Fast 2 Furious is about to come on TV, do you:
(a) Try to Tivo it so you can watch it later
(b) Stop everything and watch it now
(c) Call all your friends and tell them it's on
(d) Don't watch it because you already have it on DVD
(e) Watch ‘Pimp My Ride’ instead
How many times have you seen 2 Fast 2 Furious:
(a) 0
(b) 1-3
(c) 4-6
(d) 7-10
(e) 10+
Did you buy the last Beastie Boys album?
(a) Yes
(b) No
Ok so this wasn’t the most sophisticated test in the world, but basically if you answered any of the questions you are probably both a groder and a wigger.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
My New Life

Jumari Patel, a bright and ambitious 12 year-old boy from Mumbai, will take over my job duties starting mid-February. I first met Jumari in a Battlestar Galactica chat room last year and we have been friends ever since. He’s a nice kid and his mom even thinks I’m a positive role model. We haven’t exactly ironed out all the details yet but I think I’m going to pay him about $4 an hour; this deal is good for two reasons:
(1) He lives in India so that’s like $60 an hour here
(2) It leaves plenty of money in my pocket and gives me tons of spare time so I can:
(a) Watch more TV
(b) Play more video games
(c) Go trolling through Babylon 5 chat rooms
(d) Update Groderz more often
Some people will say this idea is stupid, but I say they can kiss my ass while I’m sleeping in until noon and watching reruns of Elimiadate and Walker, Texas Ranger everyday.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Corporate Clone

In the corporate world of cubicles and TPS reports there are two distinct types of employees: Those who wear their ID badges around their neck and those who don’t.
Last Friday I decided to conduct a brief experiment, for one day I decided to swallow my pride and wear my ID badge around my neck thus becoming a HDE (Highly Dedicated Employee). While undercover I observed the following.
The average HDE:
· Gets to work at least 30 minutes early everyday
· Drinks 2.6 sodas a day
· Routinely sends out emails to the entire department informing other employees about unimportant procedural data and industry updates
· Has a minimum of three Dilbert cartoon tacked to his/her cubicle
· Manages to turn any causal topic of conversion into something about work
· Uses terms like "team-based organization", "core-competencies" and "value-added" without being sarcastic
· Writes things on the whiteboard in the break room
Above all HDE’s are generally kind and affable and should not be openly mocked for their exuberance and corporate enthusiasm. All mockery should be conducted in blog format.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
Best Game(s) Ever

These Videlectrix games are so awesome and intense I almost took in dump in my pants while playing.
50K Racewalker
Playing games on a computer is always more fun than not playing games on a computer.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Biography of a Real American Ninja

Wednesday, October 26, 2005
link to story
Also the top 15 NES games of all time. It's hard to disagree with such a badass selection of titles.
Top 15 NES Games
Saturday, October 22, 2005
The Power of Technology

Recently though, a group of researchers at Yale wrote a computer program that can actually read human thought.

The all-star team of scientists, led by Dr. Xia Huang, finished the project earlier this summer, on time and well under budget. This amazing accomplishment is achieved through a series of complex algorithms and equations, not to mention years of research. Other artificial intelligent products do exist on the market, but none are as advanced or powerful as the one developed by Dr. Huang and his team. Groderz was able to obtain a simplifed version of the program, making it the first blog with A.I. capabilities. Enter any basic question such as: “What am I thinking?” or “What is the name of my dog?” or “How old am I?” Prepare to be amazed!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005, The Ultimate Online Experience
Turn up the volume of your snacking with the amped-up spices, high-decibel cheese, and the awesome crunch of Doritos brand tortilla chips. The bold flavors like Doritos Nacho Cheesier and Cooler Ranch are the loudest tasting snacks on earth.
I like Doritos as much as the next guy, but high-decibel cheese, amped-up spices, Oops, I think I just squirted in my pants, which may very well be one of the 23 different flavors of Doritos-type products I found on the site. Pants Squirt® flavored DORITOS™ Tortilla Snacks. After casually glancing over the site I noticed that placed discreetly off to the side was the link to the actual Doritos website, this I had to see. Beware: Not only will this site piss you off, it may also make you hate Doritos forever.
After an enormously huge amount of time already wasted, about 45 seconds, I clicked over to the Doritos chat room by mistake.

Realizing what I had just done, my head started to hurt and I immediately thought of the last chat room I accidentally went to.
The Memory of War is by far one of the most intriguing of Babylon 5 episodes. The nano virus and Chambers breakthrough are out of synch here, but this is not a fault of the show's creators so viewers should go easy on that one continuity error. This is the last of the produced episodes to feature Peter Woodward as Galen and it is the best of the episodes that features Peter Woodward as Galen as well.
We already know geeks need a place to chat online, so this is nothing new, but I had to make this visit to semi-productive. Fortunately, I found the full ingredients to Murphy’s now famous Ranchero skid-mark fiasco.

N2(g) + 3H2(g) ↔ 2NH3(g) + ฮH = Ass Explosion
Doritos needs to worry less about being extreme and hip and urban and in-your-face and worry more about making good snacks that we all used to love.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Don't Buy the New Doritos
Recently I came upon a new flavor - Ranchero. First of all, the bag is written in Spanish. Everywhere. English is a second language to Ranchero Doritos, which made me think "wow, they must be authentic Doritos." So I tore into them. I was prepared for another epic Dorito tear, leaving me feeling sick and dirty in a way that only a massive Dorito tear truly can.
The tear didn't last long. They were seriously nasty. They tasted like the inside of a dog's butt. Like someone peed in a bag and swore it was yummy. They were spicy, but not in a zesty way, more like in a powdery, salty kind of way. And they also tasted like fruit-flavored chemicals.
I checked the ingredients. Lime juice and paprika. That's the secret to Ranchero: lime juice and paprika. Maybe it's some cultural thing I missed, but it's nasty.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Weed Makes Brain Grow
The herb makes brain cells grow. I wonder what the Brah would have to say about that.
Read on.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
SideKicks was the best TV show ever

SideKicks was the best TV show ever created, I’m not talking about the ridiculously inane movie with Chuck Norris and that little girl, I’m talking about Ernie, The Last Electric Knight!

This show kicked so much ass that ABC was only able to air it from 1986-87, too many kids were killed trying to fight crime in their neighborhoods. The story of the show is simple. For some reason an aging Kung Fu Master named Sabasan decided to let Sgt. Jake Rizzo, a gruff, street-wise cop adopt his grandson, Ernie Lee. Ernie is "The Last Electric Knight”, the final member of an ancient clan dedicated to the martial arts, kicking ass and using magical powers on bad guys. The great thing about the show was that every episode had the exact same plot:
a) Cop/dad would get into some type of trouble with generic bad guys
b) He would tell Ernie to stay out of it, “It’s too dangerous!”
c) Ernie, in spite of Rizzo’s warning, would bust in at the last minute and kick everyone’s ass
d) Sabasan would give sage-like advice and spout off an ancient aphorism summarizing the whole episode
e) Everyone would hug
TV shows suck these days, especially primetime TV shows. They want you to think and watch every episode. The decline of modern suck-TV started with X-Files, quite possibly the worst series every created. SideKicks was awesome, and like all other great TV shows you could watch just one episode and be satisfied, not hopelessly lost in an absurdly complex story line, for example '24', or shall I say 20-Bore. SideKicks is one of the greats, you best believe it.
historical note:
Before things were ‘X-treme’, as they are now (Mountain Dew, X-treme Sports, X-treme Wrestling, X-treme Makeover, X-treme Jell-O), things were ‘Electric’ (The Electric Company, Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, Electric Banana, Electric Slide, Last Electric Knight)
Sunday, October 09, 2005
A winner is Metal Gear
Real Metal Gear. Solid.
Didn't everyone know that Konami and Ultra were the same company? Or was that some big cover up?
Friday, October 07, 2005
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Bruce Lee is a God
In addition to clicking the above image, you can also click here for a neato Bruce Lee simulacron.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
This Week's Mono Bro
Note the 99X signage in the background. I don't know how many 99Xs there are in this great land, but there's a chance this week's Mono Bro is an ATLien.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Faceoff is the Worst Movie Ever

Every once in a while a movie, such as Faceoff, will suck so hard that all other crappy movies will cease to suck. Don’t see Faceoff, ever. If you haven’t seen it and want to know what it’s like, imagine some fat guy with diarrhea so violent and explosive that chunks of the diarrhea splashes back up on his leg and then drips back down into the toilet, so for a few moments he has little diarrhea stalactites stuck to his leg. That’s what Faceoff is like, diarrhea stalactites stuck to some fat guys leg. If you ever have the urge to rent this movie from Blockbuster do this instead. Give the $4.50 to some homeless guy and beat your head against a tree for the next two hours. Trust me, you will be much better off in the end. All other movies ever made are better than Faceoff. Period. Any loser, pimple-faced film student thinking of making some stupid indie film about his shitty hometown can rest assured that at least their movie, although it will suck, will not be as bad as Faceoff.
This is one of the horrible movies John Travolta starred in during his supposed comeback, if he was indeed in the comeback phase of his career it ended the day he agreed to star in Faceoff. Nicolas Cage, what a homo. He needs to ask his agent why he is such a complete failure and total asshole. I actually liked Cage before he became an ass-clown and disgraced all of mankind by starring in this worthless pile of garbage. I was surprised to learn that a person, not a Hollywood robot programmed to direct shitty movies, directed this film. John Woo happened to be the shit-monger they brought in to “direct” Faceoff. The name ‘Woo’ is obviously Chinese for “the chosen one who directs turd-scented movies”. It's no coincidence that Woo also directed Broken Arrow, the second worst movie ever, also starring the fat, mongoloid John Travolta. I can’t believe I have already wasted so much time and energy writing about this blackhole of a movie. I could try to mention something about the plot, but I’m not going to.
By the way, if a friend of yours ever tells you this movie is good, he just became your worst enemy.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Saturday, September 24, 2005
The Legacy of Mer-Man

Before he was an Evil Warrior who ruled the oceans of Eternia, Mer-Man was a reclusive, sea-dweller with a kind heart and gentle disposition. Little is known about Mer-Man before he joined the evil ranks of Skeletor and his minions, but his story is one of betrayal and deceit.
Mer-Boy grew up an only child in the Sea of Rakash. He spent much of his childhood maintaining very little contact with other members of his species. His father, an alcoholic, was cruel and abusive towards his son. Mer-Boy had a keen interest in science and was always reading books and writing stories about make-believe lands. His father found these qualities unsavory and would often ridicule and insult his son because of it. To make matters worse, his father had another family he kept hidden in the Ocean of Gnarl. When Mer-Boy was 13 his father left them completely to live with his other family. After his father left, Mer-Boy and his mother were able to live a somewhat quiet, normal life with only an occasional visit from his drunken maniac father.
At the age of 16, Mer-Boy ran away to the Sea of Harmony, seeking a new start. However, he was not satisfied by the immediate prospects. After a few months, while working at a sea-weed farm Mer-Boy was introduced to King Randor by the owner of the farm. King Randor immediately took a liking to Mer-Boy and was impressed with his knowledge of science and marine biology. Given that Eternia was a feudal society and prospects for different careers were bleak, Mer-Boy was delighted when the king offered him an apprenticeship on his counsel. Young Prince Adam, the king's son, was jealous of Mer-Boy and the amount of time he spent with his father. This jealousy drove Prince Adam to devise a plot to frame Mer-Boy. With aquatics as his specialty, Mer-Boy had access to the plumbing system blueprints for the Palace of Eternia. Using this fact to his advantage, under the veil of darkness Prince Adam stole the blueprints and hid them, along with a large container of poison in Mer-Boy’s living quarters. The next day Prince Adam mentioned to Duncan, Mer-Boy’s master, that he over-heard Mer-Boy talking quietly about some nefarious plan to harm many people in the palace. Duncan, doubtful at first, agreed to search Mer-Boy’s living quarters and was very surprised to find the blueprints and poison. Mer-Boy faced immediate execution, but the king took pity on the poor boy and exiled him to the murky waters near the Dunes of Doom.
Bitter and enraged, Mer-Boy, now going by the name Mer-Man, spent the next few years fighting for his life off the coast of the Dunes of Doom. While looking for food one day, Mer-Man ran into two gentlemen known as Beast-Man and Fisto. They explained to Mer-Man that they worked for an evil warlord named Skeletor and that he was looking to hire a few new people. Interested, Mer-Man accompanied Fisto and Beast-Man back to Snake Mountain, Skeletor’s evil palace. Skeletor quickly recognized the need for an ugly sea-creature on his staff and appointed him as an official Evil Warrior and ruler of the seas. Not long after Mer-Man started his new job he became involved in a nasty sexual harassment case. The details of the case are vague, but supposedly Fisto used his excessively large hand to "touch" Mer-Man while he was sleeping. While this is disgusting even for evil doers, some good did come out of it. During the trial Fisto was exposed as a traitor and defected to work for He-Man, Skeletor’s sworn enemy.
Mer-Man had a successful career working for Skeletor and many interesting assignments. Hustler, stalker, swindler, pimp, hit-man, drug dealer, bouncer, racketeer, junior warlord, burglar, get-away driver, smuggler, baller, thug, arms dealer, loan shark and bookie, Mer-Man has done it all. Sources say he is now retired and living in Long Beach, CA.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Crack Wars

Here is the equation for crack use taken from this serious academic paper written about the proliferation of crack cocaine in America. I have always viewed crack and crack use as somewhat comical, probably due to the extreme nature of the drug and it’s effects. Also suburban white kids in the 80's and 90's never really had the means or the wherewithal to score any rock. Here is a link to some pretty serious debating about gangs, crack wars and general crack use.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Chinese woman murders fiancรฉ over videogames
By Aaron McKenna: Monday 12 September 2005, 12:18
A CHINESE woman has been charged with the murder of her fiancรฉ for spending "too much time playing online games."
On August 6th the young woman murdered her jobless fiancรฉ as he was spending too much time playing online videogames and not enough searching for a job in order to pay for the couples wedding, according to Action Trip.
This comes on the heels of the Chinese government’s attempts to curb online videogaming by placing a cap on the amount of time which players can spend on MMORPGs. While their restrictions may be a tad harsh we would say that considering the increasing number of crimes related to MMORPGs, including several murders, operators of the games should perhaps take it upon themselves to monitor players for excessive play.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Call to Arms

Normally small children don't meet the stringent criteria to qualify as ninjas, especially suburban white kids with no known Asian heritage, but occasionally exceptions will arise. This kid lives down the street from me; his parents figured he could generate some supplemental income for the family if he started providing security for the neighborhood. My neighborhood association is a well-run organization with clear guidelines for the appropriation of funds, so a vote was necessary. As a member of the neighborhood counsel I was present when the "ninja protection" proposal was put forth to the counsel, needless to say we were all extremely incredulous. We immediately decided to form a committee to investigate the need for a ninja on the neighborhood payroll. At first the ability to enter a castle by means of stealth, launching a surprise attack on the inhabitants, becoming invisible, turning into animals, jumping over buildings, and the ability to fly didn’t seem very important, but after careful consideration we approved the proposal and hired the kid. It’s worth noting that the decision was also sparked by a sudden increase in pillaging and Samurai attacks in the community. Six months later the crime rate is down and we all feel much safer in our homes. Remember to never underestimate the power of a 6-year-old ninja.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I often imagine a harmonious, utopian existence where groders and brahs can work and live side-by-side, away from haters, busters, marks and mark-ass busters and punk-ass bitches. I may never live to see my dream come to fruition, but this picture is a glimpse of what it would be like.
Originally this blog was a tribute to Wook #17 AKA The Brah. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this blog to see what I'm talking about. To fully grasp and understand what it is all about you must start at and then make your way over to The official Wook #17 picture thread. Have fun, but be warned, what you are about to see could change your life.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Mark D.

Thanks again to for providing much hilarity.
This guy is a real tool, read all about Mark Discordia and his adventures here at
Pay special attention to the fact that the first game Mark mentions is Deadly Towers, widely viewed as the worst game ever.
Saturday, September 03, 2005

Wow, I don’t even know where to start with this one.
First of all is that Hulk Hogan or Man-at-Arms gay stunt-double?
Who really wins here? Not any 10-year-old kid trying to play kick-ass Nintendo games and then his dad buys him this crap and tells him its better than Pro Wrestling and Data East Tag Team Wrestling. WWF© Wrestlemania™ sucked hard, even Tecmo World Wrestling was better.
Acc-lame is not winning anything by selling unsuspecting youths (parents) not only one, but two crappy games. Did any one even have the VCR WWF© Wrestlemania™ Game™? Board game action plus WWF© video excitment. Total crap.
Note: WWF lost the WWF trademark to the World Wildlife Fund and is now known as WWE©™