Tuesday, October 11, 2005

SideKicks was the best TV show ever

Best Show Ever

SideKicks was the best TV show ever created, I’m not talking about the ridiculously inane movie with Chuck Norris and that little girl, I’m talking about Ernie, The Last Electric Knight!

Pimp Ass Kung Fu Master

This show kicked so much ass that ABC was only able to air it from 1986-87, too many kids were killed trying to fight crime in their neighborhoods. The story of the show is simple. For some reason an aging Kung Fu Master named Sabasan decided to let Sgt. Jake Rizzo, a gruff, street-wise cop adopt his grandson, Ernie Lee. Ernie is "The Last Electric Knight”, the final member of an ancient clan dedicated to the martial arts, kicking ass and using magical powers on bad guys. The great thing about the show was that every episode had the exact same plot:

a) Cop/dad would get into some type of trouble with generic bad guys
b) He would tell Ernie to stay out of it, “It’s too dangerous!
c) Ernie, in spite of Rizzo’s warning, would bust in at the last minute and kick everyone’s ass
d) Sabasan would give sage-like advice and spout off an ancient aphorism summarizing the whole episode
e) Everyone would hug

TV shows suck these days, especially primetime TV shows. They want you to think and watch every episode. The decline of modern suck-TV started with X-Files, quite possibly the worst series every created. SideKicks was awesome, and like all other great TV shows you could watch just one episode and be satisfied, not hopelessly lost in an absurdly complex story line, for example '24', or shall I say 20-Bore. SideKicks is one of the greats, you best believe it.

historical note:
Before things were ‘X-treme’, as they are now (Mountain Dew, X-treme Sports, X-treme Wrestling, X-treme Makeover, X-treme Jell-O), things were ‘Electric’ (The Electric Company, Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, Electric Banana, Electric Slide, Last Electric Knight)


Anonymous said...

Ninja's of the Pacific Northwest (NPN) support Dirty Dan and his Grodarific way of being... It is your destiny to kickass.. clockhoes.. and feel the BASS!!!
Black Ass Ninja--

Grubber said...

What's from Downunder?

You brough back some memories there! I even remember this show. Just. Uni, alcohol..memory loss..you know how it is.

And you are correct about the Electric and Extreme, what are the 10's going to bring? Echo, Eschewing? Evil? Evil Kineval(sp?) can even make a comeback, then again, is he still alive? That memory thing again. ;-)

Grubber said...

That should read what's up from Downunder....damn fingers!

Yar said...

Wasn't there some sort of Avenue we were all supposed to rock down to?

nicole said...

damb damb, this is where i needed to be my whole life in laughter, by some old buddies, is that last post scott in japan, what up dude, you never emailed me back... any way i just wanted to say i dont remember the show but i hope they will soon put it on nick at night with donna reed, the identical cousins, and my three sons... right now i am addicted to csi... which i have only seen a little, and lots of law and order, i think i want to de a detective, see you guys im joining the police academy!!!