Monday, January 09, 2006

Corporate Clone

In the corporate world of cubicles and TPS reports there are two distinct types of employees: Those who wear their ID badges around their neck and those who don’t.
Last Friday I decided to conduct a brief experiment, for one day I decided to swallow my pride and wear my ID badge around my neck thus becoming a HDE (Highly Dedicated Employee). While undercover I observed the following.

The average HDE:

· Gets to work at least 30 minutes early everyday
· Drinks 2.6 sodas a day
· Routinely sends out emails to the entire department informing other employees about unimportant procedural data and industry updates
· Has a minimum of three Dilbert cartoon tacked to his/her cubicle
· Manages to turn any causal topic of conversion into something about work
· Uses terms like "team-based organization", "core-competencies" and "value-added" without being sarcastic
· Writes things on the whiteboard in the break room

Above all HDE’s are generally kind and affable and should not be openly mocked for their exuberance and corporate enthusiasm. All mockery should be conducted in blog format.

1 comment:

Yar said...

The lanyard is the superior badge accessory.