Tom Cruise is up to his usual antics. In the most recent issue of GQ he tells the magazine, "I've always found the 'if it makes me feel better, it's OK' rationale a little suspect. "I think it's appalling that people have to live a life of drug addiction when I have personally helped people get off drugs." In the interview, the actor claims he can get someone off heroin in three days through Scientology's detox programs.
Tom is an enigma and not as easy of a celebrity target as say George Clooney or Ben Affleck, they are both no-talent ass clowns and need to be sent to China or Cuba. Tom is on a different level. But even so I think three days to get someone off heroin is a stretch.
This article helps explain why even with drastic, radical treatment heroin is still a tough addiction to break.,,1561403,00.html
Maybe in Tom’s next movie he can star as a drug rehab counselor who cures people of heroin addiction in three days and then goes on to wins critical accolades for his performance and finally gets an Oscar.
Or maybe not, those types of movies don’t have explosions.
1 comment:
Ben Stiller playing Tom Cruise's stunt double, "Tom Cruze," was hilarious.
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