Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Power of Technology

Generic Picture of Something Complicated It’s not exactly breaking news that the internet is getting more advanced and sophisticated each and everyday. We all know that current technology is far more advanced than it was a generation ago. It’s baffling to think of all the things we can now do with computers that were thought impossible only a few years back.

Recently though, a group of researchers at Yale wrote a computer program that can actually read human thought.

They Are Smarter Than You

The all-star team of scientists, led by Dr. Xia Huang, finished the project earlier this summer, on time and well under budget. This amazing accomplishment is achieved through a series of complex algorithms and equations, not to mention years of research. Other artificial intelligent products do exist on the market, but none are as advanced or powerful as the one developed by Dr. Huang and his team. Groderz was able to obtain a simplifed version of the program, making it the first blog with A.I. capabilities. Enter any basic question such as: “What am I thinking?” or “What is the name of my dog?” or “How old am I?” Prepare to be amazed!


nicole said...

that's not nice, i thought you said you had a mind reading machine for me....

nicole said...

btw check me out... i now have google ads too.... why are mine about horoscopes? how do you change that? hope all is well, wish me luck at poker tonight...