Monday, August 22, 2005

Corporate Sponsorship

Corporations will sponsor anything and advertise anywhere. Recent proposals have even included low-orbiting billboards to advertise from space. As ridiculous as this may seem it just proves the point that corporations will stop at nothing to advertise their products.
The next logical step is for corporations to figure out how to use Iraq as a platform to advertise. Maybe some type of bidding war would take place to rebuild the infrastructure or some other project.

My prediction is by the year 2008 Iraq will be renamed Office Depot.

This would create new opportunities for other global entities to be renamed as well. For example, say the next time a natural disaster strikes a third-world country, U.S. corporations could swoop in and make huge humanitarian relief donations if the country agrees to rename itself. Say from Sri Lanka to Bank of America. Why stop there? What if a drunk oil tanker captain collides with another ship in the Gulf of Mexico and creates a nasty oil spill, upsetting thousands of miles of coast. Disaster? Yes, but also an opportunity for Microsoft to pay for the clean up and rename it the Gulf of Microsoft.

1 comment:

Yar said...

Yeah, I'm trying to delete all this spam crap.